Thursday, January 24, 2013

American: PH Led by Corrupt Leaders, Authorities etc.

This is a heart-breaking picture taken of the 7 year old girl who was killed nearby. Someone I knew took the picture and sent me a copy. There are three reasons I am posting this:

(1) Many of you on my friend’s list are Filipinos and maybe this will somehow lead to bringing justice to the devils (aka "criminals") who did this. Please pass this news on to anyone else you know of, especially people in the immediate area. If you happen to have any information I am more than willing to listen and do anything I possibly can to assist in bringing justice to this case, God knows the local authorities won't be putting much effort into finding the murderers of this girl because they're too busy going around trying to find some way to extort money and, after all, this is just some ordinary poor girl so it won’t be a priority case on their bucket list.

(2) I know the media networks won't say a thing about this, not even the local media so at least I can try to do something to let others know about. And maybe inserting the picture will help the news spread more. The media are so blinded by the devil that they feel it's more important to publish news stories about the breast enlargements of some worldly actress or promote the agenda of someone running for politics. If this was a daughter of some rich politician they would have covered the news with this story, but this was just some ordinary, poor girl and, therefore, not 'newsworthy' for Satan's media coverage.

(3) To ask you to pray for safety, not just for ourselves, but for so many people here who become innocent victims to such madness. Stuff like this happens here SO OFTEN (even in our immediate area) and it’s rarely publicized (in order to protect the “hospitable image” of the Philippines so the tourists won’t be scared away). The truth is that the Philippines is a nation lead by corrupt leaders, authorities, thieves, thugs, and terrorists. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.


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